Total funding for the development of Vietnam's seaport system by 2030 is estimated at 300,000-320,000 billion VND except from 2021 through 2025 that 57,000 billion VND is needed. Promoting the experience of raising capital outside the budget over the past 10 years in the development of the seaport system, shortly, the mechanism for maximum mobilization of domestic and foreign resources for joining an investment which will continue to be completed by the Department of Transport.

Mobilizing resources outside the budget for seaport development in the next 10 years.
The Vietnam Maritime Administration (Ministry of Transport) said that in the period 2011-2020, the total investment capital for seaport infrastructure development will reach about 202,000 billion VND, accounting for about 20.6% of the total capital investment in transport infrastructure.
According to statistics, a representative of the Vietnam Maritime Administration stated that, in the first 5 months of 2021, Vietnam's seaports received more than 195,300 transits of ships. The number of ships which foreign flags nation grew well with more than 24,700 turns, up 11%; Vietnamese flag-ships more than 26,300 turns, equivalent to the same period in 2020.
The growth in the number of vehicles helped the production of goods through the port by ships also increased by 9% over the same period, reaching more than 209 million tons.
"It can be seen that with a budget coin spent as "priming capital", we have mobilized 6 coin off-budget. This is an extremely favorable platform for Vietnam's seaports to become a "chain" in the supply chain. Since export goods have to be transshipped in a third country, up to now, the northern region of Vietnam has operated 2 routes to North America; the South has formed 16 long-distance ship routes to North America and Europe, outperformed than Southeast Asian countries (after Malaysia and Singapore)", said by Mr Nguyen Xuan Sang, Director of the Vietnam Maritime Administration.
Awarding to the draft master plan on development of Vietnam's seaport system in the period of 2021-2030, with a grand vision to 2050, the Vietnam Maritime Administration spoke that the total funding for the advance of Vietnam's seaport system by 2030 is estimated at 300,000-320,000 billion VND (excluding investment funds for specialized ports and wharves); in which priority projects for investment in the period 2021-2025 are about VND 57,000 billion.
To provoke this massive amount of capital, a representative of the Maritime Administration said the agency would progress to improve mechanisms and conditions to mobilize a variety of domestic and foreign resources to invest in the development of seaport infrastructure as stated in planning through investment forms which following regulations.
In which, priority is placed on large investment capital sources to ensure the development of seaports in a synchronous direction, going straight to modernity. Do not invest in scattered small investments in large-scale seaports and wharves (including international gateway ports and ports serving national or inter-regional socio-economic development).
State budget capital focuses on investment in crucial seaport infrastructure with the pervasiveness and extraordinary socio-economic efficiency, mainly in public infrastructure (Ships channels, jetty, sand barrier systems, connecting transport system…).
The alternative mechanism will encourage and create supportive conditions for organizations and enterprises of all economic sectors to invest and develop seaports; advocate the socialisation of investment and development of harbor infrastructure, including public infrastructure at seaports. Simultaneously, enhancing the role of enterprises in sharing responsibility for investing and maintenance of public infrastructure at seaports as part of their investment projects to exploit seaports of the company.
Source: NDH Newpaper