If the business determines to develop green, then which industry will no longer matter!

That is the opinion of Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao Nhi - Chairwoman General Director of Thanh Binh Phu My Joint Stock Company on "Attracting green investment: Filtering the industry or reducing emissions?" discussed at the seminar of Thanh Nien Newspaper.

As the developer of Phu My 3 Specialized Industrial Park (PM3 SIP), Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao Nhi said that when determining green growth and sustainable development, all the world's leading corporations and companies toward to meet 17 criteria set by the United Nations. In particular, the following factors must be met: control and reduction of emissions; production does not pollute the environment; saving natural resources; being responsible to society, employees and transparent governance...

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao Nhi - Chairwoman General Director of Thanh Binh Phu My Joint Stock Company

From the beginning, if you set the goal of approaching the above criteria, firms will definitely invest in modern machinery technology to control emissions. For example, if using coal as an input material in production, CO2 emissions will be at the largest level, while using gas, the amount of CO2 emitted will be reduced to about 50-60%. Technology for environmental pollution treatment of wastewater and exhaust gas must also meet A standards. Then, which industry will no longer matter.

"So how can management agencies and industrial park infrastructure developers identify and attract customers who set green growth and sustainable development goals to boldly invite?" - Ms. Nhi inquired. According to her, management agencies must redefine green development. It is impossible to just hear the enterprise that produces basic materials, basic chemicals then "auto" classify them in the pollution industry. Because, there are many large corporations in the world producing batteries for electric cars - green vehicles must use input materials from ore. However, they have spent a huge amount of money to invest in high technology with a strict process, with no emissions. To register for investment, they will have to submit a investment policy, proving many factors. It is such invisible barriers that reduce competition in attracting foreign investment.

Meanwhile, the basic materials and basic chemicals industries are the backbone of the industry, upstream of supply chains. If it is broken, then downstream will also not be able to produce. It is necessary to control the upstream industry to increase the localization rate, increase production capacity, increase business efficiency, and achieve competitive prices, thereby attracting investment.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thao Nhi said that the story of green development control must be the coordination of 3 units: Managers, the developer of IP infrastructure and manufacturing investors in the IP. From local advantages, the management agency determines what industries to develop, what industries to call for, thereby setting emission reduction targets. Industrial park development investors are an extended arm of the State, bringing regulations to require investors in production in IPs to comply with and jointly implement green growth goals.

"Although established 10 years ago, Phu My 3 Specialized Industrial Park has invested heavily to meet all the criteria of ecological urban area, green industrial park, circular economy... We do not use coal as a combustion material, increase the standard level of wastewater treatment downstream from B to A... In order to attract large-scale investors, the infrastructure must also meet international standards. As a result, from 2014 to now, we have attracted 3 billion USD of FDI, aiming to reach 5.5 billion USD by 2026. The investment rate attracting 1 hectare of industrial land of each enterprise calls for about 8.5 - 9 million USD, which is highly appreciated by large corporations. However, to do so, the investment rate is very large, plus the interest rate is high, if it does not attract investment, it will be very difficult. This is a challenge in green development that businesses desperately need management agencies to share," she stated.