YOSHINO GYPSUM VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED was established by YOSHINO GYPSUM CO.,LTD. in 2018 and is under constructgion in Phu My 3 Specialized Industrial Park.
YOSHINO GYPSUM CO.,LTD.is a Japanese brand with nearly 120 year-old history of manufacturing the constructing material from gypsum. With the experienced techniques throughout their long history, they are confident to be capable of world-top producing speed, to make high quality and stably-produced products.
They have 20 production bases in Japan, including the world's highest level factory in the suburbs of Tokyo, and 31 sales and manufacturing locations covering the entire area of Japan, enabling detailed customer support.
They have acquired ISO 9001 international standard of quality management system and ISO 14001 international standard of environmental management system, and actively work on stable supply of high-quality products and recycling in consideration of environmental conservation to create products that are friendly to the global environment.